Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Roasted Veggies and Impromptu Dessert

I still had some leftover veggies from the market last weekend so I figured it was about time to use 'em or lose 'em.  I actually cannot believe these baby squashies were still good, but they were!

See?  Still good inside.

Note:  I did store them wrapped in a produce plastic bag then sealed in a ziploc stored in my crisper drawer.  These babies do not usually last long so generally I would recommend eating them within the first 2-3 days of getting your hands on them.

I then tossed them with sliced green onion, fresh oregano, and fresh ground black pepper and laid them in a baking dish lightly sprayed with olive oil cooking spray.

Then I also found these baby turnips still laying around.  So, into the roasting dish they went!

And just because I love it, I threw in some kale leaves, too.  This is not usually how I do my baked kale.  Usually I fill the whole dish with it (because, well, I love it, in case you did not already know), and spread it out a little more evenly.

The kale chips still came out alright but a few were not as crispy as I like.  I still ate 'em up, though, sprinkled with some nutritional yeast on top.

Roasted squash and turnips.  Pretty simple and delicious.  If I had been hungrier I would have eaten this over some brown rice or quinoa.  But instead, I was saving myself for what is to come next...

Dessert!  I had an apple that was on its last day so I decided to chop it up and bake it.  Tossed in fresh squeeezed lemon juice then drizzled a smidgen of pure maple syrup on the apple pieces and sprinkled with cinnamon, then into the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

Towards the end of the baking, as my kitchen was smelling like the spices of fall, I thought, hey this would be sooo good with some ice cream on top. Lucky for me, I had a frozen banana in the fridge and whipped up some nice cream!

Seriously, folks.  If you have not yet tried this, you just gotta.  Look at that texture.  If I did not tell you it was only a banana, you would never guess it.  It really does have that creamy feel just like frozen custard.  This time I used only a smidgen of almond butter and a splash of vanilla and it was the perfect complement to my baked apple delight.

Say it with me, now....YUM!!!  (and healthy, too!  But in this instance, healthy does not necessarily mean low calorie.  So share with a friend or indulge sparingly.  My estimate is that the dish below has around 300 calories and yes, I ate the whole thing! Just this once...)

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