Saturday, October 27, 2012

28-day Challenge: Day 27

Ok folks, only one more day until the 28-day challenge is complete!  I have been reflecting on how these past four weeks have been and I will be sharing some of my thoughts in the next day or two.  For now, I will share my impromptu lunch made of some of the remaining ingredients from my Hollygrove haul last week.

What does one do when one has a big bunch of bok choy, a pile of shiitake mushrooms, green onion, garlic, and tofu?  Why, make a stir fry, of course!

Above: bok choy, shiitake mushrooms, and green onions.  In the bag is tofu marinating in a sauce of Bragg's liquid aminos, splash of apple cider vinegar (rice vinegar would work, too), agave nectar, sriracha, minced garlic, green onions, drop or two of liquid smoke, ground cumin and ground ginger (I wish I had fresh ginger!)

I just could not get over how perfect these bok choy leaves were.  So fresh and just waiting to get chopped up for my stir fry.

All chopped up and ready to go.

Heat the wok to medium heat and spray lightly with cooking spray.  Saute the garlic and onion for a minute or two, then add the mushrooms.  Saute those for about 3 or 4 minutes, until they get slightly soft.  At this point I added a splash of sherry cooking wine because that flavor goes well with mushrooms, but you can omit this if you want.  Then add the bok choy.  Use a splash of water here and there if the pan gets too dry.  Above is what it looked like right when I added the bok choy.

Saute the whole mixture for about 3 or 4 minutes until the bok choy starts to wilt.  I like the ends of my bok choy to still be crispy so I do not overcook them.  How tender they get is up to you, but I suggest limiting the cooking time so they do not get mushy.  Test them with a fork for your preference.

Then I added the tofu and the remaining marinade and mixed to heat thoroughly.  (If you'd like, you can cook the tofu first over medium-high heat to brown it.  I was too lazy to do that this time because I almost always ruin it and it sticks to the pan.  If you have drained your tofu really well and you have a nonstick pan, this will be much easier for you.)

Serve over cooked brown rice and grind some fresh black pepper on top.  I suggest eating this with chopsticks because it tastes better and it is more fun!  Definitely more fun.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that the 28 days is almost over! So quick.
