Saturday, October 20, 2012

28-Day Challenge: Day 20

Get ready for a day full of plant strong goodness!!  Here goes...

Today I volunteered at our local market, Hollygrove.  I was not sure what to expect, but it ended up being a very fun day!  We bagged and bunched and sorted all the veggies for the market and kept the bins supplied throughout the day.  It was their 4th anniversary and it was packed.  I loved seeing all the folks out supporting our local farms.  Hollygrove grows many of their own fruits and veggies on-site, and also sells other local produce from our region.  Each market day they have a set box of items for $25, and you can walk down the line and fill your bag.  

Picture of the $25/box line at the market (pic stolen from Hollygrove's Facebook page)

It is so much food!  Look at today's haul:

3 satsumas, 3 apples, 5 mini squash (look how cute!), baby turnips, shiitake mushrooms, a bag of mixed salad greens, micro greens, a bag of kale, huge bunch of mustard greens, fresh green onions, a bag of arugula, bok choy, radishes, 2 sweet potatoes, and some fresh herbs.  I have no idea what the herbs are but they smell unbelievably good!

Pardon my photography skills, I'm still learning!

Aren't the baby squashies cute???

I used the kale, salad greens, arugula, micro greens, herbs, radishes, green onions, and mushrooms in a big salad for lunch.  I also added some spinach leaves, cucumber, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and used lemon juice and apple cider vinegar as a dressing.  YUM.

Dinner is with yet another talented friend who I mentioned earlier this week.  The lovely Preet cooked up some vegan, low fat samosas which were freakin' delicious.  These were made with whole wheat tortillas with a mixture of potatoes, onions, peas, cumin, ginger and garam masala, then were lightly brushed with oil and baked in the oven (not deep fried!!).  Dip them in some spicy chili garlic sauce, and before you know it you will have eaten 3 of them.  I must say, these are way better than the regular deep fried versions of days gone past....

And next up: lettuce wraps that were A.MAZ.ING.  Seriously.  She even went to extra lengths to let me cook me my own vegan ones with tofu.  Check these out:

Tofu cooked with mixed vegetables and peanut sauce, scooped into crisp lettuce leaves and topped with green onions and sriracha.  Does it get any better than this?!

Now just up the street my accountabili-buddy, Stacey, was noshing on this Engine 2 approved vegan meatloaf.  I can confidently say that it is delicious based on her description, and I plan to stop by to sample a bite tomorrow to confirm :).  It looks like it could be a great addition to the vegan Thanksgiving menu this year!

Hope everyone is having a plant-strong weekend!  And, food for thought (well, question for thought):  How do you best describe your decision to go plant-strong to people who don't understand it?  What is your best response to the oft-repeated question "how do you get enough protein?"  I have had several people just flat out tell me that they work out and therefore need the protein and calories from meat.  My response is, well, guess what?  I work out too and I do just fine with the protein and nutrients I get from my whole foods.  I also reference Arian Foster and the Williams' sisters...but I don't think I'm very convincing so any ideas would be much appreciated :)

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