About Me

This is a page that started by chronicling 2 ladies' journeys to better health through the Engine 2 diet lifestyle.  We took the 28-day challenge to go Plant-Strong at Whole Foods in October 2012, and I have been continuing the blog ever since.  I am in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Rip Esselstyn or the Engine 2 folks, but I am a big fan and want to spread the word by showing how easy it is to adopt a whole-foods, plant-strong diet.  I promise to always give credit when credit's due and to link back to official Engine 2 websites and other inspirational authors when necessary.  Happy eating!

I am a 30-something professional woman, living in the lovely Crescent City--New Orleans.  I am a free spirit who just likes to cook, and I have been vegetarian for 15 years.  I first heard of the E2 lifestyle through my friend's brother who attended a 10-day immersion event in Hawaii (lucky him, I know!).   After hearing more about the health benefits of the plant-strong diet, and recently having read Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman and The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, I decided that E2 fit right in with my lifestyle choices.  I had been wanting to go "vegan", but the name gets such a bad wrap and if I ever ate something that was not 100% vegan/organic/local/raw/etc. it was like I was "cheating".  So, with E2 I can live a predominantly plant-strong life (with no judgment passed if I slip up on occasion).  My goal is to do it 90%/10% of the time.  If anyone has ever lived in or visited NOLA, you know this is no easy feat!  Wish me luck...

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