Monday, October 1, 2012

28-day Challenge: Day 1

Hello, internet world.  Welcome to Day 1 of two girls' journeys through a 28-day challenge to convert to a whole foods plant-based diet.

My friend and I decided to try the Engine 2 28-day challenge, and today is Day 1.  We attended an info session at Whole Foods, where we became "accountabili-buddies" (say that 3 times fast without laughing), meaning we have to hold each other accountable for our food choices for the next 28 days.  It was likened to AA meetings, and we are supposed to call each other if we are tempted by milk chocolate or other off-limits foods.  But dare I say we have a food addiction???  Let's not go that far....

Food addiction or not, I am taking it upon myself to not only have one accountabili-buddy, but to have many.  Hence, this blog.  Even if no one reads this, I will still feel like I am putting it out there.  And if you are reading this I welcome any reprimand if I do make bad choices, which I promise to fully disclose here.  I will definitely rat out my partner in crime, too!

In all fairness, let me tell you that I have been a vegetarian for 15 years.  I continued to eat seafood until about 7 years ago, and when I moved back to New Orleans 2 years ago I slipped up a bit and ate a few seafood meals (followed by guilt and disappointment for dessert).  So over the past few months I have been back on the no-seafood wagon; in fact, I have been 95% vegan since I began reading such books as Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman and The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II, and most recently when I learned about the Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn.

That remaining 5%?  Cheese.  I can go a month without it, but when it is there in front of me at a party, it is tough to turn down.  Especially if said cheese is served with booze.  It is my weakness! But knowing how bad dairy is for my body is making it a little bit easier.  Sigh, I will miss it, though.

Side note:  If you live in NOLA or if you have ever visited here, you know how incredibly difficult it is to eat a whole foods plant-based diet.  Even their plant-based dishes are full of fat, dairy, meat, and oils.    Needless to say, I will be cooking at home (and hope to have lots of fun recipes to share with you along the way!).

While I consider myself to be in pretty good health I still aim to eat healthier in order to reduce my risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimers, and other preventable chronic diseases.  Perhaps I'll drop a few pounds along the way, as well.

Here's to the next 28 days!  Wish us luck.

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