Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thrift Store Find

On a work trip to Mobile, Alabama yesterday we made a random impromptu stop into a thrift store.  I do not normally buy impulsively but for some reason I could not leave all of these dishes behind!  And at $5.50, it was a steal.  Not to mention it benefited the homeless so who would not feel good about that??

So here's a preview of the new on the lookout for food photos to come featuring these fine display pieces :)

Fun BIG plate for serving, a small bowl with a handle that was hand painted in Korea (that I'm thinking I can use for baking), a cute set of two mugs with a little pitcher, a retro flower plate that was hand painted in Japan, two retro mini bowls, and three "pate dishes", which I obviously will not be using for pate :)  (oh, and in the back there is a little clutch purse that was part of the haul)

Aren't they cute??

Very 60's and in great shape.

For some reason this pattern reminds me of The Scream.  Do you see the resemblance?

(Image from Wikipedia:

Voila!  Expect to see some delicious meals prepared on these dishes tomorrow--I'll have another local produce box from the farmer's market with which to get creative.  Happy weekend, everyone!

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