Thursday, May 30, 2013

I heart Seattle!

Seattle is one of my favorite places in the US.

Not only do I have fabulous friends there, but the culture and lifestyle are right up my alley.  People are forward-thinking and compassionate.  There are recycling bins on every corner.  Plastic bags are banned in all stores.  The transit system is eco-friendly. I saw bus ads advocating for immigrant rights and Planned Parenthood services (which is a big contrast from here in NOLA, where all I see are ads for fast food and booze).  Same sex marriage is legal.  The vegetation is so green and lush, and I have never seen more brightly colored flowers on every lawn in every neighborhood.  And it really does not rain every day!  Here is proof.

And locally sourced, organic, vegan food is available EVERYWHERE.

I was in heaven.

After hugs from my friends outside baggage claim, our first stop was at Portage Bay for brunch.  I got a vegan Migas, which is one of my favorite breakfasts from my pre-vegan years.  This one subbed tofu for the eggs, and the added touch was a jackfruit "pulled pork" that was so good!

Just to be clear, I am not a fan, (at all!) of fake meats and meat substitutes.  However, jackfruit is a fruit native to Asia that has a similar texture to meat, but in a non-weird way.  You can find it in Asian markets, and you may find a post on here soon that illustrates my first experience with it, if I can get my hands on one :).  I have also had crab cakes made with jackfruit that were delicious.

The following day we went to Plum Bistro, which is an all-vegan restaurant in Capitol Hill.  We had a feast of raw kale salad, avocado roll, mac n' yease, tofu tacos, mushroom pasta, and margarita pizza.

For vegans and non-vegans alike, you have got to try this spot.  Just trust me.  GO.  And drink a local Fishtail beer while you are at it.

One more vegan meal I will share with you was at Boom Noodle.  I mean, who doesn't want to eat at a restaurant with Boom in its name?  I had a vegan ramen soup, which was not the best I have ever had but a little sriracha helped make it quite tasty.  It is just so easy to eat healthy food in Seattle, why can't other places follow suit???

If you have not visited Seattle, add it to your list and find your way there!

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