Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sprouted lentil and kale salad

I just made an amazingly awesome salad that I just have to share.  I modified it from Rawmazing (to account for the fact that I do not have a fancy high speed blender) and I think I could eat this every day!  Good thing the recipe made a vat of dressing that will last me a while....

(Please refer to the pictures on Rawmazing as they are far better than mine!)

Curried sprouted lentil and kale salad


1/2 cup lentils, sprouted (see below for note* on sprouting)

1 cup finely shredded unsweetened coconut
2 cups of water
1 clove garlic
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon Bragg's liquid aminos
1 1/2 teaspoons red curry paste
1 teaspoon olive oil
coarse sea salt to taste

2 huge kale leaves (~3 cups chopped)
1 teaspoon olive oil
squeeze of lemon juice
coarse sea salt to taste

1 roma tomato, chopped
1/2 green onion, chopped
1-2 tablespoons chopped raw cashews

1.  Be sure to begin preparing your lentils to sprout at least 2-3 days before (see note below).

2.  Throw all of the sauce ingredients in the blender (coconut through sea salt), but only use 1 cup of water at first then slowly add the rest to get the desired consistency (should be kinda thick but liquid-y enough to toss in a leafy salad).  It will depend on your blender how much water you need to use (mine is a cheap-o, so I often have to add more liquid than normal or else the blade gets stuck). *Note: mine was really garlicky with just the one clove.  Next time I'll use 1/2 clove, but if you like garlic then go for the whole...or more!  At least you'll be safe from vampires....*

3.  Wash and de-stem the kale and slice into thin strips.  Place in a bowl and massage with lemon juice, splash of olive oil, and coarse salt (yeah, get those hands messy!).

4.  Add the tomato, green onion, and lentils and toss.  Add 3-4 spoonfuls of the dressing and toss well to coat.  Sprinkle with chopped raw cashews, salt and pepper to taste.

5.  Stuff your face.  Repeat.

*Note on sprouting lentils:  You can search online for how to sprout lentils.  Basically you just rinse dried lentils (or any type of bean, really) then place them in a bowl or jar covered with water.  At least 2-3x as much water as beans.  Cover lightly with a towel or cheesecloth and set aside in a cool dark place overnight (NOT in your refrigerator, like I did at first).  On the next day, rinse the lentils and change the water 3 times.  By the third day, you should see tiny tails sprouting from the lentils.  They are hard to see, but they are there.

I placed mine in the refrigerator for the first two days and could not figure out why they weren't sprouting.  Well, duh, it was too cold for them.  So keep them out on the counter or in a cabinet while sprouting.  (I just put them out on the counter for a full 3rd day and then they finally gave in and sprouted).

See?  See the tails?  If you look really closely in the bottom right quadrant you can see a few.  I swear.

I can think of so many other uses for these, and what a great way to add nutritional value to any salad or dish.  The texture is slightly crunchy and very earthy--they do not taste like cooked lentils at all, but rather traditional bean sprouts that you have had before.  So do not be afraid.  They are delightful!

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